Aplicativos móveis, Aleitamento Materno, Recém-nascido prematuro, Período pós-parto, Tecnologia Educacional, Promoção da SaúdeAbstract
Aim: Systematize the available productions on the use of smartphone applications for promoting breastfeeding in preterm infants. Method: Scoping review conducted in September and October 2019 in the databases: CINAHL, MEDLINE, Scopus, and PubMed. There was no language or time limitation. In addition to the search for scientific production on this theme, a search was conducted on the download platforms of the two hegemonic smartphone operating systems – Google Play Store (Android) and Apple App Store (iOS). In March 2020, the same search strategy was replicated to verify whether new papers have been published from protocol results, as well as to identify new studies or protocols. Results: The search resulted in 764 documents, of which two articles and three protocols were included in the review. The number of studies found confirms the scarcity of scientific production on apps specifically aimed at the preterm infant population, although they point to a current growing trend to incorporate this resource for the breastfeeding promotion and support. The selected studies showed no statistically significant differences in breastfeeding rates when using such resources compared to in-person care. More studies are needed to evaluate different application proposals and in different settings to analyze the effectiveness of this technological resource as a complement to conventional care. Conclusion: The available productions on the use of apps to promote and manage breastfeeding in preterm infants are very scarce. The information available to assess the effect of this type of resource to promote breastfeeding in this population is considered insufficient.
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