The hero/heroine we need to be to face the COVID-19 pandemic






Introduction: COVID-19, a disease that can lead to death quickly, has caused health professionals, particularly nurses, a great moral and psychological impact. Within this context, nursing presents itself, more than ever, as the front line of care, because nursing deals with patients 24 hours uninterruptedly, in addition to the lack of Personal Protective Equipment in several places. Development: Given this reality, this theoretical reflection aims to reflect on the COVID-19 pandemic and its implications for the nursing work process, under the focus of analytical psychology from the theoretical framework proposed by Carl Gustav Jung. Final Considerations: This reflection contributed so that nursing heroes, often unknown and little valued, can reflect, based on the theoretical framework presented, about their professional role. They must seek their rise and recognition before society, in the face of the current world catastrophe, coincidentally in the year in which the profession seeks, worldwide, empowerment through the worldwide campaign called Nursing Now.


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Author Biographies

Marcos Hirata Soares, State University of Londrina

Bachelor's Degree in Nursing from the São Paulo School of Nursing at the Federal University of São Paulo. Specialist and Master in Psychiatric Nursing by EERP-USP. Prof. Mental Health Assistant, Department of Nursing, Health Sciences Center, State University of Londrina

Julia Trevisan Martins, State University of Londrina

Nurse. PhD in Nursing. Associate Professor of Nursing Fundamentals at the State University of Londrina (UEL).


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How to Cite

Soares, M. H., & Trevisan Martins, J. (2020). The hero/heroine we need to be to face the COVID-19 pandemic. Advances in Nursing and Health, 2.



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