The sacred space in the formation of quatro pontes-pr: between the sacred imaginary and social representations




Geography of religion, Community identification, Symbolic-religious


Various aspects of the symbolic-religious sphere shape the life and culture of many communities, and for this reason, we would like to reflect on the representative meanings that these aspects have within them and the sacred space of the community of Quatro Pontes in the far west of Paraná. When we seek to understand religious phenomenon, it is important to note that we are using the “imaginary” and social representations as elements for understanding social relations, and this involves understanding how shared mental images, ideas, and symbols influence and are influenced by people’s perceptions and interpretations of the world around them. The Church has historically played a significant role in migration and community formation in many regions worldwide. Therefore, this investigation seeks to understand the participation and influence of the Church in the migration and constitution of the community of Quatro Pontes, whose references are supported by an expressive religious culture. In this way, we seek an investigation characterized by the geography of religion, by perceiving and analyzing the actions of settlers faithful to Christianity and the actions of the Church as an institution that fosters colonization and migratory relations characterized by cultural representations in a given geographic space.


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Author Biographies

Fabiano Feldhaus, Federal University of Paraná

Mestre em Geografia pela UFPR, professor QPM do Estado do Paraná

Juçara Deimling, Western Paraná State University

Graduada em História pela UNIOESTE campus Marechal Candido Rondon - PR, professora QPM do município de Toledo, Paraná


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How to Cite

Feldhaus, F., & Deimling, J. (2024). The sacred space in the formation of quatro pontes-pr: between the sacred imaginary and social representations. Geographia Opportuno Tempore, 10(1), e51313.