Different crushed rocks in the composting process in Unaí/MG: organic fertilizer and agricultural autonomy





Agrominerals, self-sufficiency, sustainable agriculture


It is widely recognized that food security for the population cannot be guaranteed by the use of synthetic and water-soluble fertilizers alone. This study aimed to evaluate the process and final product of co-composting organic residues with ground rocks as remineralizers, using calcareous shale, mica schist, and phonolite. Other components used in the compost production were cattle bedding, silage, coffee husk, and agricultural gypsum. Efficient composting occurred in all treatments, as demonstrated by the characterization of the thermophilic phase, absence of total coliforms, and spontaneous plant germination. The mica schist treatment produced the compost with the lowest relative decrease in potassium between the original raw materials and the final product, indicating a more favorable cost-benefit ratio.


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How to Cite

Höfig, P., Martins, Éder de S., Giasson, E., & Arantes, B. S. (2023). Different crushed rocks in the composting process in Unaí/MG: organic fertilizer and agricultural autonomy. Geographia Opportuno Tempore, 9(1), e47425. https://doi.org/10.5433/got.2023.v9.47425