Cuba and the right to choose

from the legalization of abortion to current challenges




Abortion, Reproductive rights, Cuba, Federation of Cuban Women, State secularity


Abortion has been treated as part of women’s reproductive rights, specially after UN Conferences in 1990 decade. In Latin America, Cuba is the country with the broadest legislation, as it does not tret abortion as a crime, excluding in certain situations, when it is allowed. This Caribbean island incorporated voluntary abortion into the public health system in the 1960s. Based on a doctoral research, with a sandwich period carried out in Cuba, this article aims to discuss the process of legalizing abortion in Cuba and the current situation of the right to choose. The research, anchored in historical-dialectical materialism with a feminist perspective, included a bibliographic and documentary review, in addition to field research with in-depth interviews. It was observed that the movement of women organized in the Federation of Cuban Women in the construction of social policies and in the fight for their rights, the conception of health based on universal right and the secularity of the State were essential for the conquest and maintenance of the voluntary abortion’s right. Among the challenges to Cuban women's right to choose are the blockade imposed by the US and the patriarchal roots that still permeate the island.


Author Biography

Nayara André Damião, Londrina State University

Social worker at the City Hall of Londrina, PhD in Social Work and Social Policy at the State University of Londrina.


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How to Cite

DAMIÃO, Nayara André. Cuba and the right to choose: from the legalization of abortion to current challenges . Serviço Social em Revista, [S. l.], v. 27, n. 1, p. 175–194, 2024. DOI: 10.5433/1679-4842.2024v27n1p175. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 feb. 2025.