Contributions of the social being ontology to a dialectical conception about the theory and practice relation in the Brazilian Social Work




Ontology, Theory-practice, Ideology, Daily.


The article analyzes the influence of the Ontology of the Social Being, the maximum work of the philosopher Gyorgy Lukács, in classical texts of the theoretical tradition of the brazilian Social Work. The axis of analysis is the theory-practice relationship, focusing on its specificities and ontological unity. The hypothesis of work pursued in the exhibition is the idea that the marxist tradition, thickened by the Lukacsian “ontological perspective”, gave rise to the necessary theoretical deepening to advance the critical reflection on its nature and the social meaning of Social Work in the reproduction of social relations. The theoretical perspective that guides research and exposition is historical materialism. The methodology is bibliographic research, with qualitative approach.


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Author Biographies

Liliane Santos Tobias, Federal University of Paraiba

Social Worker and Master in Social Work from the State University of Paraíba

Jamerson Murillo Anunciação de Souza, Federal University of Paraiba

Social Worker, Master and Doctor in Social Work from the Federal University of Pernambuco. Professor at the Department of Social Work at the Federal University of Paraíba


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How to Cite

TOBIAS, Liliane Santos; SOUZA, Jamerson Murillo Anunciação de. Contributions of the social being ontology to a dialectical conception about the theory and practice relation in the Brazilian Social Work. Serviço Social em Revista, [S. l.], v. 23, n. 2, p. 300–319, 2020. DOI: 10.5433/1679-4842.2020v23n2p300. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 mar. 2025.


