Solidarity economy and its social program




Work and income generation. Support Institutions, Viability, Solidarity Economy Program.


This article aims to demonstrate the results of a research that investigated the contribution of the extinct Program of Solidary Economy in Development to the viability of collective experiences of generation of work and income in Rio Grande do Sul. This social program was created in 2003, by the federal government, with a view to strengthening work and income generation ventures, together with the Secretariat for Solidarity Economy - Senaes - which was extinguished in 2016. The operationalization of the mentioned Program took place through partnerships established between the State (National Secretariat for Solidarity Economy - Senaes), civil society institutions, other government sectors and university incubators. It was assumed that the Program was constituted as an element that promotes income generation for subjects who were on the margins of the formal labor market, especially the less qualified, but which, contradictorily, was also configured in capitalism regulation mechanisms, to mitigate class conflicts and reproduce the system. It was found that, both the State, through the Program, in partnership with civil society institutions, other government sectors, including university incubators, could, even if in an incipient way, potentially enable the experiences of Popular Solidarity Economy.


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Author Biography

Caroline Goerck, Federal University of Santa Maria - RS.

Doctor and Post-Doctor in Social Work by the Post-Graduation Program of the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul.


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How to Cite

GOERCK, Caroline. Solidarity economy and its social program. Serviço Social em Revista, [S. l.], v. 22, n. 2, p. 304–319, 2020. DOI: 10.5433/1679-4842.2020v22n2p304. Disponível em: Acesso em: 27 dec. 2024.


