The requirements of the national housing policy and its operationality in the city of Cajazeiras - PB




National Housing Policy. Housing. Operability.


This article is part of the course completion work of social work course at Faculdade Santa Maria, Cajazeiras (PB), in the year 2017. Here, we analyze the operation of the National Housing Policy (NHP) in the Conjunto Habitacional Recreio of the city of Cajazeiras (PB). We aim to understand if the construction of the cited Set contemplated the requirements of the production of housing of social interest, which is for the low-income population. We emphasize the implementation of the new National Housing Policy and the Minha Casa Minha Vida program, prioritizing the subsystem of social interest. The methodological procedures were qualitative. For the collection, we adopted field observation, interview and documentary research. The results revealed that the operation of the National Housing Policy (NHP) happened in a conflictive way, since we identified flaws in the process involving the Conjunto Habitacional Recreio referring to the quality and comfort criteria of the families, as well as the non-concession of the definitive documentation and incomplete infrastructure. Despite this, the importance of this policy for access to housing is unquestionable. Today, unlike the last governments, we face the real destruction of the National housing policy.

Author Biographies

Sharlene Dantas Moares, Santa Maria College, Cajazeiras, PB

Social Worker

Lindalva Alves Cruz, Santa Maria College, Cajazeiras, PB

Doctor in Sociology from UFPE; professor at Faculdade Santa Maria, Cajazeiras, PB

Andréia Braga de Oliveira, Santa Maria College, Cajazeiras, PB

Coordinator of the Social Service Course at Faculdade Santa Maria, Cajazeiras, PB.


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How to Cite

MOARES, Sharlene Dantas; CRUZ, Lindalva Alves; DE OLIVEIRA, Andréia Braga. The requirements of the national housing policy and its operationality in the city of Cajazeiras - PB. Serviço Social em Revista, [S. l.], v. 22, n. 2, p. 241–260, 2020. DOI: 10.5433/1679-4842.2020v22n2p241. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


