Expressions of racial inequality in social security policy: analysis based on access to social security rights in the municipality of Rolândia?PR
Racial inequality.Racism. Rights. Social Security. Social work.Abstract
The article presents research results on the access of the black population to rights made possible by the social security policy, in the city of Rolândia?PR. It aims to show that difficulties in this access reveal one of the expressions of racial inequality in Brazil: the difficulty of access to social rights made possible by social security policy, and that this difficulty is greater among the black population than among the white population. It was constructed through bibliographical analysis, documentary analysis and data on the demand presented by men and women who sought agency of the National Social Security Institute (INSS), in the city of Rolândia (PR). These data were collected through forms developed by the researchers and filled by informants, professionals working in this agency. It concludes that among black workers there are higher percentages of informality and precariousness of work than those observed among white workers; a fact that is expressed in higher exclusion rates of blacks from excess to benefits linked to a contributory policy.Downloads
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