Readjustment territories of social assistance policy in the city of light-MG hills
Urban territory, CRAS, Evaluation, Reconfiguration.Abstract
This study aimed to analyze the effectiveness of the territorial division of the urban area of Montes Claros / MG to meeting the demands that it presents, considering the similarities and differences of CRAS in relation to your target group. The methodology used was quantitative and qualitative research, in which the representation of the urban area of Montes Claros were based on the use of GIS techniques, in the database year 2010 IBGE census, integrated into the base map of the urban area in ArcGIS 10.1 software, enabled the representation of socio-economic data through thematic maps. The discourse analysis, from semi-structured interviews with the welfare worker, enabled this work the necessary conclusions to the investigation as proposed. It was found, according to assertion of welfare workers and analysis of these statements taken by this research that the best service to the segments will be given through the territorial reconfiguration extensive poles that exceed the limited number of low-income families, as determined by the Social assistance Policy for the size of the city, fragmenting them and implanting a new CRAS unit in each new fragment. The Poles containing dispersed population proposed the adoption of mobile teams of social assistance service in meeting the demands.
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