The critique of the madness and the poetical praxis of the existential need: a case study of the Ngo Inverso
Antimanicomial. Poetics of the expression. Madness. SingularityAbstract
This text discusses the relationship between the expression of the persons considered mad in the context of society and intersubjectivity, in the dynamic of NGO Inverso (Institute of Coexistence and Recreation Social Space in Mental Health). The poetic of intervention articulates the instituted to instituting relations of the collective organization. The objective is to analyze the segregation of madness and the mad and witness the emancipatory process of criticism and poetic practice with people attending the NGO space, with a review of relevant literature, with analysis of the experience as the Inverse/reverse process in the asylum model. The study methodology was constructed from the analysis of texts on mental health, madness and culture and direct observation of daily Inverse NGO for 10 years as instituting proceedings. Shows the dynamics of practices of the individual and collective expression of uniqueness and existential necessity of subjects in coexistenceDownloads
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