Ethics in Language Education:
colonial seeds, decolonial flowers
DOI: clave:
Decoloniality, Language Education, Code of Ethics.Resumen
This paper reports on a doctoral research project, carried out by the first author under the
supervision of the second one, whose original focus was on elaborating a first draft of a
written code of ethics for Brazilian language teachers. Even though this project was initially
conceived to elaborate such a draft in light of some European ethics perspectives, as the
proponents were generating data with the research participants, it became evident to them
that the European-centered worldview would not properly address the struggles and needs
of Brazilian language teachers. Two instances of colonial seeds becoming decolonial flowers are
then introduced. The first one relates to the conception of the research project and the
data collection; and the second, to the analysis itself. It does not take a village to fail, but
it certainly takes one to face it in the way described in this paper. In a highly competitive
context as the academia is, time to fail and to reflect upon it would seem to be nonsense to a
vast number of scholars. The paper ends with reflective questions to be locally and creatively
answered by scholars and teachers from the language education arena.
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