Review "Phonology and variation: guidelines for teaching" Organizers: Dircel Aparecida Kailer, José Magalhães e Dermeval da Hora.
teaching activities, role of the student and teacher, teaching writingAbstract
This book makes it possible to take a new look at the role of the Portuguese language teacher, in relation to the student, in basic education; It links the learning of writing to a permanent gain in understanding of phonology and the variations projected in writing by the speech registers. Presented in 13 chapters, it is a work resulting from research projects developed within the scope of Profletras - Professional Master's Degree in Letters in National Network, a program aimed at training research teachers - and to point out ways to keep integrated the vision of the factors capable of ensuring learning free of prejudice, particularly in the patterns associated with prestige and exclusion, added to the aspects to be considered in the didacticization of academic knowledge. For this reason, it alternates language concepts to a set of technical knowledge essential for the teacher to succeed in the exercise of his pedagogical task.
KAILER, Dircel Aparecida; MAGALHÃES, José; HORA, Dermeval da (org.). Fonologia e variação: diretrizes para o ensino. Prefácio de Luiza Helena Oliveira da Silva. Campinas, SP: Pontes Editores, 2023.
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