Assessment and self-assessment as formative technology applied to the Pedagogical Residency Program
pedagogical residency program, initial formation, self-assessment and continued assessmentAbstract
This research aims to analyze the impacts and contributions of the Pedagogical Residency Program – PRP in the education of future foreign language teachers, in Sergipe, during the Covid-19 Pandemic, based on students' self-assessment. To this end, the study starts from the perspective of the ones involved in the program, linked to the Federal University of Sergipe – UFS, between 2020 and 2022. It is a qualitative, interpretive research, which, through the analysis of questionnaires, sought a more accurate understanding of the meaning built by the undergraduate students, linked to the Spanish and English cores. Here, we consider self-assessment and continuous assessment as systematic, critical, reflective, permanent, and, therefore, formative processes, which enable diagnoses and monitoring with the function of redefining initial goals. The aim is, therefore, to redefine meanings of knowledge production, of preliminary proposed actions, paying attention to the weaknesses and potentialities of the process, and, thus, turning our attention to the redefinition of priorities established in the foreground. The results show that the PRP provided teachers, in pre-service education, a good relationship with those involved in the project, as well as the construction of a self-reflective pedagogical approach, recognizing strengths and weaknesses during their participation in the program, given the diversity of scenarios caused by the pandemic period.
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