Instrumentalization, literacy and cultural appreciation through an experience with journalistic interview within the scope of PIBID
genre, genre didactic project, teachingAbstract
In this article, we present a proposal for intervention at school, through the implementation of a Genre Didactic Project (GUIMARÃES & KERSCH, 2012), within the scope of the Institutional Teaching Initiation Program (PIBID). Our objective was to provide the student with recognition of their citizen role, through experiencing the role of interviewer, so that they develop and improve specific language skills to act in society. To think about teaching such an object, we adopted the conception of genre as an instrument (SCHNEUWLY, 2004 [1994]). The results point to the fact that, even working with writing and orality for an effective social practice, we did not obtain as a result the appropriation of the genre worked on, as a whole, which would be ideal; due to the changes that had to occur in the PDG during its application. But we managed to awaken students to their citizenship role, through the emphasis given to writing and speaking, which, for the interviewer, are explicit means of exposing their identity, making it public, which is one of the main characteristics that makes the individual citizen: assuming a public identity for themselves.
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