A walk through the history of Geolinguistics in Brazil
from the artisanal to the technological
brazilian geolinguistics, history, techniquesAbstract
The article aims to bring to reflection some aspects of the history of Geolinguistics in Brazil regarding the techniques used in the preparation of monodimensional, two-dimensional and multidimensional atlases over half a century. In the first group, it is the Previous Atlas of Baiano Falares -APFB (ROSSI, 1963), the Draft of an Atlas of Minas Gerais - EALMG (RIBEIRO et al, 1977), the Linguistic Atlas of Paraíba-ALPB (ARAGÃO; MENEZES , 1984) and the Linguistic and Ethnographic Atlas of the Southern Region of Brazil-ALERS (KOCH et al, 2002, 2011). Among the two-dimensional Atlases, we address the Linguistic Atlas of Sergipe-ALS (FERREIRA et al, 1987), the Linguistic Atlas of Sergipe-ALS II (CARDOSO, 2002; CARDOSO, 2005) and the Linguistic Atlas of Paraná - ALPR (1994 ) and Linguistic Atlas of Paraná II – ALPR II (ALTINO, 2007). In the third group, that of multidimensional atlases, the technological advances reflected in the creation of the Linguistic Atlas of Brazil (CARDOSO et al, 2014) and in the other atlases that followed it under the inspiration of the national atlas are analyzed. In this way, we hope to demonstrate the multiple difficulties, but also the possibilities, of geolinguistic practice throughout the history of this branch of Dialectology in our country.
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