Appellations for “diary worker”
marks of rurality in the lexicon of speakers in the southeast region of brazil
rural and urban, day laborer, southeast regionAbstract
This study analyzes traces of rurality in the vocabulary of Brazilians from rural areas of Minas Gerais, Espírito Santo, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, in the Southeast region of Brazil. To this end, it is based on the results of studies by Fernandes (2021) and Santos (2019) who studied denominations provided by 304 informants from the ALiB Project (Brazilian Linguistic Atlas) from 76 locations in the network of points in the four states of the Southeast region. , as an answer to question 61 of the Semantic-Lexical/ALiB questionnaire: “The man who is hired to work on someone else's field, what does he get paid per day of work?”, semantic area agropastoral activities (COMITÊ NACIONAL, 2001, p. 26). Based on the theoretical-methodological assumptions of Geolinguistics and Rural Sociology the work demonstrated the presence of possible traces of rurality in the vocabulary of the selected speakers such as boia-fria, camarade, as well as lexical forms of a generic nature such as diarist and peão, a fact that points to the presence of a continuum of rurality in the speech of Minas Gerais, Espírito Santo, Fluminense and São Paulo. The study also revealed traces of still conservative speech, such as the lexical item work newspaper, cited by an elderly informant in the state of Espírito Santo as “diarist”.
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