Orality in Curriculum Reference Documents
orality, teaching, curriculum documentsAbstract
The main purpose of this article is to analyze the curricular reference documents for the teaching of Portuguese in Portugal. To this end, it starts by presenting a proposal of conceptualization of the oral text as a multimodal reality consisting of verbal, paraverbal and non-verbal plans, which is materialized in each textual genre, and therefore also involves a given communication situation. Next, based on the reading of the Aprendizagens Essenciais (2018), we identify the elements that the document associates with the oral competence, in order to understand the concept that official documents convey of the oral and what plans / constituent elements of the oral text are explicitly referred to for the development of knowledge, skills and attitudes considered. The analysis of these aspects will show that, although orality is assumed as a central competence of the curriculum, these official documents do not consider all the elements of orality, do not foresee certain aspects in a systematic way and do not consider an evolution in the scope of its approach in didactic context.
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