The Oral Argumentation in Scientific Dissemination Genre
intersemiotic analysis of multimodal materials
Orality, Multimodal argumentation, OpinionAbstract
This article is linked to research carried out within the scope of the Professional Master's degree in Languages and aims to discuss how aspects linked to orality, identified in two scientific dissemination videos circulating on YoutubeBR, produced about the fake news theme, are articulated to other semiosis in the composition of opinions that aim at the adhesion of adolescents and youngsters to the ideas conveyed in two different channels. Based on concepts from the field of conversation and textual linguistics, it is proposed a methodological procedure that guides the analyzes of orality combined with the intersemiotic complementarity of multimodal materiality. The results indicate that following the discursive flow and discourse topics collaborates with the understanding of filtering operations and salience, both associated with the characteristics of audiovisual productions, in addition to registering the type of privileged reasoning in each one. It is understood that the identification of these linguistic-discursive resources can provide a reference for the composition of pedagogical practices aimed at understanding oral argumentation.
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