Orality and Textual Production in a Didactic Book
perspective of ad pecheuxtiana
Teaching axes, Social division of senses, Discourse analysisAbstract
In this article, from the theoretical perspective of Discourse Analysis conceived by Pêcheux, to analyze how the axes of teaching Portuguese Language Textual Production and Orality are discursivized by the evaluators, through the review, within the scope of the Didactic Book Guide. Unlike the review formulated by authors/editors of the work, which only highlight the possibilities/advantages of the volumes, that of the evaluators seeks to indicate, to Basic Education (EB) teachers, both the qualities and limitations of the collection, emphasizing the relationship of the axes with the demands of the official documents for the Basic Education. These discursivizations are related to the collection Spheres of Languages, by Maria Inês Batista Campos and Nivia Assumpção, published by the FTD publisher and approved in PNLD 2018. To do so, we started from an analysis of the textbook constitution, formulation and circulation processes, in the light of the following fundamentals: conditions of production and social division. We observed, from the analysis, a social division of unequal meanings between the Textual Production and Orality axes.
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