The speeches and the cultural aspects from Rondonia State: The importance of sociolinguistic, phonetic and dialectological studies
Dialectology, Linguistic Atlas, Speaking’ Rondonia.Abstract
The intention of this article is do a quickly conceptual survol about sociolinguistic, phonetic, and dialectology, trying to emphasize the importance of the knowledge from studies in this area, to professionals that occupy on Brazilian education. In the research that is being developed in Guajara-Mirim’s Campus of the Rondonia’s Federal University to elaborate the Rondonia’s – ALIRO, it’s shown that It’s spoken in Rondonia’s and not dialect and it’s shown also that this option by the term speaking is connected to the origins of the population. This research claims not only identify diatopics differences considered in Geolinguistic view, but also identify cultural subtracts actuate in the Rondonia’s cosmopolite cultural constitution trying answer the question: May we say that Rondonia’s state has an own speaking? And what to say about its culture?