Textuals genre and didactic tools for continuous Portuguese language teacher education
Textual genre, Didatic transposition, Didactic model, Teacher training.Abstract
This article presents partial data of a research developed at the State University of Londrina, which investigates the possible contributions of the sociodiscursive interacionist analysis methodology (BRONCKART, 2003; 2006) and of the validity of the tools `didactic model of textual genre` and `didactic sequence`, according to the group of Language Didactics from UNIGE-Geneva/Switzerland (DOLZ; SCHNEUWLY, 1997; DOLZ et al, 2004). Such tools have been produced by teachers of the first series of public primary schools. This work will present the synthesis of results from the analysis of the teachers` productions after they participated in a course constituted of different stages: the first, consisting of theoretical and methodological aspects of the discursive interacionism and Bakhtin´s fundamental concepts; the second, about didactic transposition of textual genre as a mediation tool for language practices and the construction of didactic materials, which intended to give the teachers autonomy in relation to the use coursebooks. The article first aims to (re)define the concept of didactic model and to present an illustrative example; second, to present data of analysis of a didactic sequence built by teachers of the initial series and reflections on critical points of the process of those teachers’ education at the moment of the articulation between literacy activities and literacy.