Gender Identity: passional discourses on discoveries
Semiótica discursiva, Intolerância, Identidade de Gênero.Abstract
The gender identity subject has been the focus of several social and political debates in which: there are individuals who try to eliminate social inequalities regarding gender; and, on the other hand, there are those who seek for visibility, fighting for their rights to be validated. Both of the groups constitute part of the LGBTTQI+ community. Thus, the present study refers to a research carried out at a university in the interior of São Paulo, whose corpus consists of statements made by undergraduate students that discuss the themes of identity, gender, prejudice and discrimination. Once it is a multifaceted theme, in which the phenomena of intolerance, hatred and fear emerge – in addition to discussions and positions that involve political, religious and ideological issues – the present work draws on the French discursive semiotics, by Algirdas Julien Greimas and collaborators. In conclusion, in their discourses, it was observed the identity transformation through the subjective confrontation of some malevolent passions, such as hatred and intolerance.Downloads
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