The Portuguese Language teaching through a literacy project: the school newspaper
School Newspaper, Literacy Projects, Teaching of Portuguese LanguageAbstract
The present paper aims to present a proposal for the teaching of Portuguese language based on literacy perspective. It is an action research whose specific objective was the creation of school newspaper as a strategy to promote the teaching of Portuguese language. From this objective the discursive genres necessary for the elaboration of the newspaper were studied. Therefore, this work is based on the official documents that govern Brazilian education; Literacy Studies, according to Street (2014), Kleiman (1995, 2000, 2005, 2006a, 2010), Soares (2001). There is also the assumption of the socio-historical conception of language based on Bakhtin (2003), considering that social practices should guide the teaching of the mother tongue in the school context. As a result, it was possible to observe that thinking about teaching based on social practices contributes to the teaching-learning process, since the production of the journal's genres (BONINI, 2014), related to student and community issues, sense at the time of production.Downloads
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