Textos em mídia impressa e digital: confrontando práticas de leitura e objetos de ensino para a formação de leitores proficientes
Leitura, Ensino de textos, mídia digital.Abstract
This present work claims the pedagogical place of the text to the teaching of reading practices used in two medias: printed and digital. Therefore, I start from the questioning: Do the reading practices revealed from texts (of printed and digital media) indicate the necessity of new configuration to the training of competent readers communicatively? To answer this question, we observed the handling given on the topic “racism”, in activities of manuals and in comments on digital media. The comparison of the objects based on the authors such as Coracini (2005), Kleiman (2009), Abreu (2014), Leurquin e Carneiro (2014), among others, enabled the identification of differentiated practices for each support. In the manual, they point to a stabilization of meaning centred in the text and the author, very common in the school situation. However, in the comments, the practices show a stabilization of meaning focused on the reader, typical in situations outside the school. The deviant characteristic to the production of meaning indicates a continuous tension in the handling given to the texts and the reading, highlighting the necessity of a teaching planning, considering the relation between the text diversion and the multiple media support to readers training following the new practices.
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