About the Journal

Focus and Scope

From 2017 on, SIGNUM: Estudos da Linguagem (ISSN 2237-4876 online) has been a three-times-a-year publication of the Graduate Program in Language Studies (PPGEL) of the State University of Londrina (UEL). It aims at disseminating original works (papers and reviews) concerning linguistic description and analysis; text/discourse studies; teaching/learning, and teacher education of Portuguese, foreign and other languages. The works submitted for publication are anonymously evaluated by the Editorial Board and/or ad hoc reviewers. Only the works approved by two reviewers are published.

The ones which do not meet the changes, if any suggested, or those works which present problems of form, style, and/or adequacy to the standards of this journal will be rejected.

Each issue of this journal allows the submission of only one text by author and, once the text is published, it is necessary to await three issues to submit another work.

The copyrights are property of the authors, according to the CC-BY license of Creative Commons.

Peer Review Process

Works submitted to Signum: Estudos da Linguagem are evaluated according to the following criteria: (1) contribution to the field; (2) theme definition; (3) theme development; (4) achievement of proposed goals and response to the formulated questions; (5) relevance and updating references; (6) adequacy of the abstract in relation to the developed text and (7) coherence between title and text.

The reviewers may recommend the publication of the full text (with or without changes), or even reject the work.

Publication Frequency

Signum: Estudos da Linguagem is published three-times-a-year.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.


Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts




Open Access Publishers

Repositories and Directories:

Diretório Luso-Brasileiro


We thank the Fundação Araucária for the support received to the previous issues of this journal.

Sources of Support

We thank the uncountable number of reviewers who voluntarily contribute to the science dissemination.

Journal History

Signum: Estudos da Linguagem is published since 1998. At first, with an annual printing, then, in 2003 started to publish biannually. It was published in printed form up to 2013. From 2017 on, the journal has been published three-times-a-year.

All of its volumes and issues are available online.