Digital work and subjectivity: perspective of psychoanalyses
Digital work, Subjectivity, Mental helph, Psychoanalysis, Platform capitalismAbstract
In the contemporary context, transformations in modes of production and the organization of work, especially driven by platform capitalism, have significant effects on the subjectivity and mental health of workers. This study aims to investigate the dynamics of digital work from the perspective of psychoanalysis, highlighting the influence of colonial capitalist discourse on the constitution of subjectivity and its impacts on individuals’ mental health. The research focuses on the theories of Karl Marx, Sigmund Freud and Jacques Lacan, as well as contemporary studies on digital work and platform capitalism. The results point to a growing precariousness of work and a subjectivity marked by urgency, quantification and control, characteristics that are in line with the values of neoliberal capitalism. It is observed that the digital work model, while promoting freedom and autonomy, paradoxically leads to the intensification of exploitation and psychological illness, emphasing the necessity to rethink work relationships in the digital era. This work invites the reader to critically reflect on the nuances of digital work and the challenges posed to mental health in the contemporary neoliberal scenario.
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