Didactic transposition during the world Covid-19 pandemic in the Londrina region: in the light of evaluation theory
Didactic transposition, Assessment, BNCC, Remote teaching, Covid-19 ProjectAbstract
Covid-19 made most teachers face complex situations regarding the transposition of didactic materials for evaluation in the context of remote teaching and the criteria of reliability around the evaluation practice. In the light of the assumptions of the Didactic Transposition, by Chevallard (1991) and Furtoso (2011), this article presents as a general objective to analyze the evaluation criteria in the pedagogical didactic transposition, which were adopted by teachers of public and private institutions in the municipality of Londrina in the context of the virus pandemic from SARS-CoV-2. Breaking down into the following specific objectives, we have: (i) analyze the assessment approach contemplated in the National Common Curricular Base (BNCC) of Elementary and Secondary Education and in the education guiding documents valid in the period of 2020; (ii) identify, to what extent, a reflection on didactic transposition occurs during evaluative practices in remote teaching marked by the pandemic. Therefore, the methodology adopted in this text is a case study of a documental nature. The results point to the need to expose the evaluation theme and discuss it centered on social demands. In addition to the majority of teachers having made adaptations in their didactic transposition practices and in the way they assess students in a digital-technological environment. It was noted that few professionals indicated that their respective assessment processes were traditional//archaic, as reported by a participant.
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