The risk of literary reading: questions for the field of psychoanalysis
Psychoanalysis, Literature, Reading, Sublimation, Metapsychology.Abstract
Starting from a scenario composed of illustrations about the danger of reading in the field of social imagery, this paper, enrolled between psychoanalysis and literature, aims to highlight questions about the effects of literary reading. Of theoretical nature, the present work is based on considerations of literary criticism, on the one hand, and, on Freudian metapsychology, on the other. In the field of literary criticism, authors such as Jauss and Iser, who emphasize aesthetic reception and the effects of the text, support our hypothesis that the literary work requests the reader to a creative participation during reading. In the field of psychoanalysis, Freud supports our supposition that the aesthetic effect can also be thought from the problematic of the sublimation. Considering the implication of sublimation from the benign and iatrogenic consequences of literary creation, we questioned whether reading would serve as a remedy or poison for the reader.Downloads
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