Association between prioritization level at intensive care unit admission and hospital outcome
Classification; Prognosis, Treatment outcome, Admission, Intensive care unitAbstract
Objective: To assess the association between levels of prioritization for admission to intensive care unit (ICU) and patients’ prognosis.
Material and Method: Longitudinal retrospective study that included adult patients admitted to the ICU of a University Hospital during 2020. The data were collected from paper and electronic medical records, including identification, date of admission to the hospital, date of admission to ICU, diagnosis, medical history, date of hospital discharge, outcome, the Simplified Acute Physiology Score 3 (SAPS-3) and prioritization level. Results: The study evaluated 274 patients during 2020. Respiratory diseases represented 41,25% of admissions, COVID-19 being the most frequent diagnosis (totaling 65 confirmed and 2 suspected cases). Among the comorbidities, the following were highlighted: Arterial hypertension (64,32%), diabetes mellitus (25,82%), and smoking (18,78%). The mean SAPS 3 score was 59,29 points, representing a probability of death of 39,00%. About prioritization levels, 174 (63,50%) patients were categorized as Priority 1 (P1); 94 (34,31%) patients as Priority 2 (P2) and 6 (2,19%) patients as Priority 3 (P3), which was not considered due to insufficient sample for testing. Comparing groups P1 and P2, the probability of death of each category was, respectively, 51,95% and 13,75%. During the study period, the number of deaths in each category was 90 (60,81%) for P1 and 19 (25,30%; p<0,001) for P2. Conclusion: The prioritization classification identified patients with more severity and with greater mortality rates in category P1 of prioritization to ICU admission, even though there was no difference on age, comorbidity and frailty.
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