Comparative study of the costs of preventive control and treatment of arterial hypertension
Hypertension, Basic Health Units, Prophylaxis, TreatmentAbstract
Hypertension (AH) is an important risk factor for several diseases, despite being easily controlled prophylactically. Even so, its prevalence reaches 10%, according to some authors, and its relationship with common pathologies nowadays, such as acute myocardial infarction (AMI), chronic renal failure (CRI), stroke (CVA), among others , is already scientifically proven. This prospective study seeks to prove that AH prophylaxis has a much lower cost in relation to the treatment of its complications, not to mention the fact that its sequelae are highly debilitating. Data referring to the most frequent complications, epidemiology, entry blood pressure and cost of hospital treatment at the North Regional University Hospital of Paraná for three months and information on average care values in Basic Health Units (UBS) were used. to the Municipal Health Department of Londrina. The results obtained confirm many data contained in the literature, such as the highest prevalence of women in the age group over 50 years. The most frequent age in our study was 74 years, with a mean of 55.4 years. Some of the most frequent complications were stroke (33.3%) and CHF, with 14.8% of cases. In 24.4% of cases, hypertension was idiopathic. The vast majority (83.7%) of patients were discharged, while the rest died. We conclude that prophylactic treatment is less expensive socially and financially, and should be routinely used in Basic Health Units.Downloads
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