Functional capacity of elderly who are forced to stay at home due to their physical limitations, from the housing development Ruy Virmond Carnascialli, Londrina/PR


  • Celita Salmaso Trelha Universidade Estadual de Londrina
  • Tatiana Nakaoski Universidade Estadual de Londrina
  • Simone Silveira Franco Universidade Estadual de Londrina
  • Mara Solange Gomes Dellaroza Universidade Estadual de Londrina
  • Kiyomi Nakanishi Yamada Universidade Estadual de Londrina
  • Marcos Cabrera Universidade Estadual de Londrina
  • Arthur Eumann Mesas Universidade Estadual de Londrina
  • Carlos César Benes Gaetan Universidade Estadual de Londrina



The elderly, Functional incapacity, Home, Daily life activities, Instrumental activities.


The functional incapacity is defined by the difficulty in developing daily life activities or even the impossibility of performing them. The purpose of the study was to analyze the functional incapacity of elderly who are forced to stay at home due to their physical limitations. A hundred and four individuals above the age of 60 years old, participated in this study. All of them are from the inclusion area of the UBS ( Health Basic Unit) from the Housing Development Ruy Virmond Carnascially, northern area of Londrina/PR. As for the data gathering, it was used a demographic questionnaire and the Functional Autonomy Measurement System, an instrument which consists of 29 aspects divided in five skills: Daily Life Activity; Mobility; Communication; Mental Function and Instrumental Daily Life Activity. For the statistical treatment it was used the program Epi Info 6.04b and the software Excel of Microsoft. The sample consisted predominantly of elderly women with an average age of 75,8 to 81 years old. In relation to the daily life activities, the elderly showed to be dependent mainly in the bath: 29 (27,9%), in their personal care: 22 (21,1%), and hygiene: 22 (21,1%). In terms of mobility, 28 (26,9%) mentioned incapacity in relation to walking outside. The eyesight was considered the biggest problem among the elderly, 60 (57,7%) mentioned to have difficulties and needed aid/supervision. In relation to instrumental daily life activity, to go shopping and using the telephone obtained the highest percentage of dependence: 53,8% and 42,3%, respectively. The results showed the need of effective strategies for the prevention and rehabilitation of the functional decline.



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Author Biographies

Celita Salmaso Trelha, Universidade Estadual de Londrina

Fisioterapeuta, Docente do Departamento de Fisioterapia da Universidade Estadual de Londrina, Mestre em Saúde Coletiva. Doutoranda em Medicina e Ciências da Saúde.Rua Alagoas 1110, apto 303 – CEP 86020-430 – Centro – Londrina PR Fone: (43) 3326 9289.

Tatiana Nakaoski, Universidade Estadual de Londrina

Acadêmica do Curso de Fisioterapia da Universidade Estadual de Londrina e Bolsistas de Extensão do Projeto PAINP

Simone Silveira Franco, Universidade Estadual de Londrina

Acadêmica do Curso de Fisioterapia da Universidade Estadual de Londrina e Bolsistas de Extensão do Projeto PAINP

Mara Solange Gomes Dellaroza, Universidade Estadual de Londrina

Docentes e profissionais participantes do Projeto PAINP

Kiyomi Nakanishi Yamada, Universidade Estadual de Londrina

Docentes e profissionais participantes do Projeto PAINP

Marcos Cabrera, Universidade Estadual de Londrina

Docentes e profissionais participantes do Projeto PAINP

Arthur Eumann Mesas, Universidade Estadual de Londrina

Docentes e profissionais participantes do Projeto PAINP

Carlos César Benes Gaetan, Universidade Estadual de Londrina

Docentes e profissionais participantes do Projeto PAINP



How to Cite

Trelha CS, Nakaoski T, Franco SS, Dellaroza MSG, Yamada KN, Cabrera M, et al. Functional capacity of elderly who are forced to stay at home due to their physical limitations, from the housing development Ruy Virmond Carnascialli, Londrina/PR. Semin. Cienc. Biol. Saude [Internet]. 2005 Jul. 15 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];26(1):37-46. Available from:


