Development of kefir ice cream with mango pulp: sensory evaluation, physico-chemistry and lactic acid bacteria
Kefir at 5%, Kefir at 10%, Lactic acid bacteria count, pH, Titratable acidity.Abstract
Kefir is a probiotic drink that contributes health benefits. Its use in preparations such as ice cream can stimulate its consumption through a dessert appreciated among consumers, in addition to allowing the ingestion of lactic acid bacteria. The objective of this work was to analyze the sensorial, physicalchemistry and microbiological characteristics of homemade ice creams developed with kefir and mango pulp. Formulation 1 of the ice cream was made with kefir at 5% and formulation 2 with kefir at 10%, (w/v) and was evaluated for acceptance, pH, titratable acidity and lactic acid bacteria count. Microbiological analyzes were performed in whole milk, kefir at 5% and 10%, and in ice cream before freezing (T0), after the final freezing (T29 h) and after one week of freezing (T168 h). The pH of the kefir at 5% differed (p 0.05) in all attributes. After T168 h, the ice creams had a lactic acid bacteria count of 2.7 x 107 for formulation 1 and 1.1 x 108 CFU / mL for formulation 2. It was concluded that kefir presented characteristics of a fermented milk and that 5% and 10% kefir ice cream with mango pulp presented after the T168 h the minimum lactic acid bacteria count prescribed in the legislation.Downloads
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