Optimization of fermenters for ethanol production: Residence Time Analysis apllying Computational Fluid Dynamics

Optimization of fermenters for ethanol production: Residence Time Analysis apllying Computational Fluid Dynamics


  • Evelise Roman Corbalan Góis Freire Universidade Federal de Lavras
  • Paulo Seleghim Junior Universidade de São Paulo




Residence time distributions. Computational fluid dynamics. Fermenters. Ethanol production.


The search for new ways to provide fuel for the society is one of the great challenge for scientists and academic researchers. An interesting alternative is the ethanol produced from sugar cane. Brazil has an advantaged position in ethanol production, but the equipment used in the sugar cane plants, the fermenters, for example, still need efficiency improvements. The fermenter geometry has a great influence on the flow parameters and, consequently, in the chemical reactions involved the fermentation process. It is necessary to ensure that the sugar cane juice remains enough in the fermenter enough time to complete the chemical reaction, but not more than the ideal time required, which can reduce the process efficiency.  In this study, the influence of the geometry in the Residence Time Distribution (RTD) was analyzed by a computational tracer injection technique. Besides, 20 geometries were proposed by a univariate optimization. Results show the inlet angle has the major influence in the flow and the optimum geometry for the continuous fermenter must have 22.5° for inlet angle and 120 cm for outlet tube height. Considering the fermenters large scales in sugarcane juice processing, the improvement proposed in the fermenter geometry can increase the profits and reduce environmental impacts.

Author Biographies

Evelise Roman Corbalan Góis Freire, Universidade Federal de Lavras

Profa. Dra., Depto. Exact Sciences, UFLA, Lavras, Minas Gerais, Brazil

Paulo Seleghim Junior, Universidade de São Paulo

Prof. at São Carlos School of Engineering, USP, São Carlos, SP, Brazil


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How to Cite

Freire, E. R. C. G., & Seleghim Junior, P. (2020). Optimization of fermenters for ethanol production: Residence Time Analysis apllying Computational Fluid Dynamics. Semina: Ciências Exatas E Tecnológicas, 41(1), 51–58. https://doi.org/10.5433/1679-0375.2020v41n1p51



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