Uilization of the C7-LVC application in the georeferencing of canine visceral leishmaniasis cases





Control, Epidemiological surveillance, Georeferencing, Leishmania, Visceral leishmaniasis.


Georeferencing can also be used to reveal the spatial distribution of diseases. This study characterized the geographic locations of positive cases of canine visceral leishmaniasis (CVL) (n=21) using the C7-LVC application (App) in the city of Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. This technology is available for use on smartphone devices, making it the first tool for notifying CVL to public services, intending to assist in disease control efforts. In this study, we used the Municipal Environmental Surveillance Service database, which contains information about CVL notifications sent by veterinarians between April and December 2017. The prevalence of CVL was higher in the north (17/21, 80.93%) of the city. Positive cases were observed in seven neighborhoods, with the highest occurrence (9/21, 42.85%) in the Perpétuo Socorro neighborhood. The regions containing CVL-positive dogs exhibited native vegetation with humid shaded areas rich in organic matter, representing distinctive environmental characteristics. All the CVL cases were identified in nearby geographical regions. The municipality's environmental characteristics favor the proliferation and survival of the vector in urban and peri-urban perimeters and pose risks to human and animal health. The georeferencing data obtained by C7-LVC can aid in formulating health measures to mitigate the transmission of the disease between humans and animals.

Author Biographies

Jaíne Soares de Paula Vasconcellos, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Veterinarian, Administration Assistant, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, UFSM, Santa Maria, RS, Brazil.

Fagner Fernandes, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Prof., Veterinary Medicine Course, Centro Universitário Ritter dos Reis, UniRitter, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil.

Carlos Flávio Barbosa da Silva, Superintendência de Vigilância em Saúde

Veterinarian, Superintendência de Vigilância em Saúde do Município de Santa Maria, RS, Brazil.

Enio Giotto, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Prof.  Dr., UFSM, Santa Maria, RS, Brazil.

Sônia de Avila Botton, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Prof. Dr., UFSM, Santa Maria, RS, Brazil.

Fernanda Silveira Flores Vogel, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Profa. Dra., UFSM, Santa Maria, RS, Brazil.

Luis Antonio Sangioni, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Prof. Dr., UFSM, Santa Maria, RS, Brazil.


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How to Cite

Vasconcellos, J. S. de P., Fernandes, F., Silva, C. F. B. da, Giotto, E., Botton, S. de A., Vogel, F. S. F., & Sangioni, L. A. (2024). Uilization of the C7-LVC application in the georeferencing of canine visceral leishmaniasis cases. Semina: Ciências Agrárias, 44(6), 2197–2206. https://doi.org/10.5433/1679-0359.2023v44n6p2197




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