Physicochemical characteristcs and enzymatic activity of peroxidase and polyphenoloxidase in four genotypes of cupuaçu (Theobroma grandiflorum Willd ex-Spreng Schum) submitted to freezing
Theobroma grandiflorum, Enzymatic browning, Amazonian fruits.Abstract
During the freezing of fruits pulps, the enzyme activity is not finished completely. Sensory, nutritional and coloring changes may occur on fruits due to the action of oxidative enzymes such as peroxidase and polyphenoloxidase. The frozen cupuaçu pulps, sold in Brazil, have a shelf life of one year and become browned during this period. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of frozen storage on the physicochemical characteristics, polyphenoloxidase activity and soluble and ionically bound peroxidases presented in the pulps of four new cupuaçu genotypes over twelve months. The cupuaçu genotypes developed by the West Amazonian Agroforestry Research Center (EMBRAPA) were pulped, frozen and stored at – 30 °C. The polyphenoloxidase of the four cupuaçu genotypes showed an increase in activity according to the storage time with peaks in the sixth, ninth and tenth months, but the peroxidases exhibited oscillations in the enzyme activity. The physicochemical properties of the pulps showed variations during the twelve months of storage under freezing. The vitamin C content of D 28-10 and P 3-10 genotypes decreased from the fourth and tenth months, respectively. Moreover P 9-8 e B 28-7 genotypes remained stable. In relation the acidity of citric acid, the B-28-7, D 28-10 and P 9-8 samples were not different, but P 3-10 genotype presented a reduction. The pH and total soluble solids of all genotypes decreased over the study period. There was an increase in sugar concentration of B 28-7, P 3-10 and P 9-8 genotypes, except for D 28-10 sample which remained unchanged. All genotypes were in accordance with physical-chemicals standards required by legislation, except for P 3-10 genotype that showed a lower acidity. In respect of the enzymatic parameters, there were variations in the activity of peroxidase and polyphenoloxidases of all genotypes.
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