Slow fashion consumption profiles

analysis of mini collections proposed by undergraduate fashion design students




slow fashion, Consumption profiles, fashion products


Slow fashion is a movement that aims to produce and consume fashion in a more conscious and sustainable way. After the development of the “Consumer Orientation to Slow fashion” tool by Sojin Jung and Byoungho Jin – with a focus on metricizing the dimensions of Slow fashion consumption –, the work of recent years has been dedicated to identifying consumption profiles within the movement. In Brazil, profiles were defined for two states, Ceará and Rio Grande do Norte. In such a way, thinking about the formation of a Fashion Designer, understanding the public is a key part for the conformation of innovative products. With that in mind, this paper aims to expose and discuss an activity in product development, conducted in a fourth-period class of a technology higher education course in Fashion Design. The exercise consisted of selecting one of the three Slow fashion consumption profiles in Rio Grande do Norte and proposing a mini collection of up to five looks. There was a predominance of craft elements, identity, and local labor.


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Author Biographies

Ítalo José de Medeiros Dantas, Feevale University

PhD student in Cultural Processes and Manifestations at Feevale University.

Glauber Soares Júnior, Feevale University

PhD candidate in Cultural Processes and Manifestations (Feevale University); Master in Home Economics (Federal University of Viçosa); Graduated in Fashion Design (IF Sudeste MG, Muriaé).

Fabiano Eloy Atílio Batista, State University of Minas Gerais - Ubá Unit, Federal University of Juiz de Fora and Federal University of Viçosa

PhD student in Arts, Culture and Languages, Federal University of Juiz de Fora; PhD student in Home Economics, Federal University of Viçosa; Professor at the State University of Minas Gerais, Ubá

Aline Gabriel Freire, Federal Institute of Rio Grande do Norte

Master in Textile Engineering from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. Professor of Fashion and Clothing at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rio Grande do Norte.

Marcelo Curth, Feevale University

Holds a doctorate in Business Administration from the University of Vale do Rio dos Sinos (UNISINOS), a Master's in Business Administration from the Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (PUC-RS), a Post-Graduate Degree in Business Administration and Marketing from Gama Filho University, a Post-Graduate in Education from Faculdade (SENAC-RS) and postgraduate in Mentoring Teacher Education (University of Tampere - Finland) and graduation in Sports Sciences from Universidade Luterana do Brasil (ULBRA). He is a professor at the PPG in Cultural Processes and Manifestations at Feevale University, acting as a researcher on the subject of Marketing: Identity and Culture. Professor at undergraduate and graduate levels of disciplines on Strategic Marketing, Relationship Marketing, Consumer Behavior, Management and Entrepreneurship in Health and Sports. Course coordinator at postgraduate level (Lato Sensu) in Sports Management and Exercise Training and Prescription. Coordinator of innovation projects in the area of ​​Health with development agencies. Manager of sports and extension programs and projects. Thematic coordinator of the Sports Marketing and Business Modeling and Entrepreneurship GTTs of the Brazilian Association of Sports Management (ABRAGESP). Acting as partner owner of consulting, advisory and training companies, carrying out consulting on marketing strategies in micro and small companies.


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How to Cite

Dantas, Ítalo J. de M., Soares Júnior, G., Batista, F. E. A., Freire, A. G., & Curth, M. (2023). Slow fashion consumption profiles: analysis of mini collections proposed by undergraduate fashion design students. Projetica, 14(3), 33.



Design de Moda

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