Fashion and memory: the biography of a 1984 wedding dress




Wedding dress, History, Biography, 1980s


In a context of intense transformation of fashion in modern society, the maintenance of the wedding rituals and the white wedding dress is surprising. Thus, the purpose of this paper is to analyze a wedding dress dated from 1984 by investigating its historical path and formal aspects. We also studied the main characteristics of fashion in that era and the feelings that remained in the dress after thirty-three years.

Author Biographies

Juliane Salete Magro, Instituto Federal de Santa Catarina - UFSC

Student of the Technology in Fashion Design course at the Instituto Federal de Santa Catarina - UFSC

Káritha Bernardo de Macedo, Instituto Federal de Santa Catarina - IFSC

PhD student at the Santa Catarina State University, professor at the FInstituto Federal de Santa Catarina - IFSC


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How to Cite

Magro, J. S., & Macedo, K. B. de. (2018). Fashion and memory: the biography of a 1984 wedding dress. Projetica, 9(2Supl), 285–298.



Suplemento P&D 2018