Access to justice through extrajudicial notary’s office: obstacle of resolution n° 35/2007 of the National Council of Justice as regards the succession of the partner




Access to justice. Stable union. Succession. Extrajudicial services. Inventory.


The Federal Constitution of 1988 protected new family nuclei. the art. 226, § 3, recognized the stable union as a family entity. Because of the debates regarding the succession of the partner, differentiating it from the succession of the spouse, there was the judgment of Extraordinary Appeals (RE) No. 1790 of the Civil Code. However, the extrajudicial inventory process, dealt with by Resolution No. 35/2007 of the National Council of Justice (CNJ), provides for differences for the partner's access to justice before the Extrajudicial Services, when he is the only heir. The reasons for maintaining the limitation contained in art.18 of Resolution No. 35/2007 of the CNJ regarding the extrajudicial inventory of the partner when he is the only heir are questioned. It is investigated whether there is a legal or jurisprudential basis that justifies the requirement of filing a lawsuit by the partner in the absence of other successors of the author of the inheritance; or if this is an obstacle to effective access to justice. It was based on the deductive method, on studies by Cappelletti and Garth, on the analysis of Extraordinary Resources and Resolution n° 35. Therefore, there is a need to change art. 18 of Resolution no. 35 of the CNJ.

Author Biographies

Rosana de Cássia Ferreira, FDV - Faculdade de Direito de Vitória/ES

Rosana de Cássia Ferreira. Graduada pela Faculdade Milton Campos/MG,. Mestre pela UNOESC e Doutoranda em Direitos e Grantias Fundamentais pela FDV. Especialista em Direito Notarial e Registral. Tabeliã no 1° ofício de Notas de Vitória/ES.



Ricardo Goretti, FDV- Faculdade de Direito de Vitória/ES

Doutor, mestre, especialista em Direitos e Garantias Fundamentais pela Faculdade de Direito de Vitória (FDV); diretor Acadêmico da FDV; coordenador do Curso de Direito da FDV; professor do Programa de Pós-Graduação Stricto Sensu em Direitos e Garantias Fundamentais da FDV – Mestrado e Doutorado; advogado, mediador e negociador extrajudicial.



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How to Cite

Ferreira, R. de C., & Goretti, R. (2022). Access to justice through extrajudicial notary’s office: obstacle of resolution n° 35/2007 of the National Council of Justice as regards the succession of the partner. Scientia Iuris, 26(3), 182–198.


