Copyright in transmedia narratives: the instrumentalization of copyright in contracts
Copyright. Transmedia storytelling. Contracts. Media Convergence.Abstract
The theme of this article is to analyze how copyright can be secured and instrumentalized in transmedia narratives. Therefore, the research problem that this work seeks to answer is to verify if contracts are valid means for the instrumentalization of Copyright in works constructed through transmedia narratives. A transmedia narrative is essentially characterized by telling a narrative through the use of various media, with diversified content adapted to each type of support. These contents form an amalgam and complement each other, giving rise to a new way of building narratives. Through the study carried out, the initial hypothesis was confirmed, since the author is free to dispose of and negotiate the exclusive rights of economic exploitation of the work. The author, by himself or by some entity that represents him, can negotiate the scope of the assignment or the authorization of the use of the patrimonial rights that belong to him, such as the purpose of the assignment, its terms and cost. In a transmedia narrative, the contractual instrument must be detailed and expressly bring all forms of use of the work. The approach method used was the hypothetical-deductive and the monographic procedure.
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