Consignment contract in the Civil Code of 2002: origins and applicability
Contracts. , Consignment contract, Good faith, Civil liabilityAbstract
The research aims to analyze the Consignment Contract in the light of the Brazilian Civil Code of 2002, demonstrating its scope and its usefulness in the field of Obligatory Law. Among the innovations brought by the Civil Code of 2002 in relation to its predecessor in 1916, in addition to the typification of the consignment contract itself, those relating to the characteristics of the said contract regarding its object and legal nature, civil liability in the event of default, reflexes of the legal relationship signed with the acquirer of the thing placed on consignment, dismemberment of the property by limiting, even if temporary, the possibility of disposing of the thing by the consignor and the consequences of non-compliance with said restriction. It concludes that the Consignment Contract, established in the 2002 Civil Code, although not typified in the 1916 Civil Code, already had wide and frank applicability in Brazilian Law and its express provision, nowadays, has brought legal security to the institute. The method used is the hermeneutic, arising from the analysis of legislation, doctrine and jurisprudence.
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