Diffuse interest questions on the effectiveness of its guardianship
Civil process, collective guardianship, jurisdiction, class action lawsuit, litigious, diffuse interests, sentence, return sentence, not-for-profits, efectivittyAbstract
Evaluates and compares the treatment by the legal system of common rights in individual and class action lawsuits which underly the essential conceptual differences based on the re-evaluation of the classic litigious concept and the reasons for these differences. Provides a systemic vision of the Brazilian standards concerning collective tutelage and critique of the jurisdiction regarding common rights, collective and homogeneous individuals. Analyses weak and strong political organizational issues of the society in the and their role in defense of the community interests by not-for-profit organizations. Concludes for the necessity to obtain effective judicial decision through the rupture of the paradigms concerning the neutrality of judges and the participation of the organized community in reformulating the classic legal process concepts linked to the conflict of legal rights and the control by the information dissemination by the media.