Abrindo fissuras nas paredes da matrix: a revisitação da compreensão doutrinária do prazo visando à correção dos vícios do produto no sistema consumerista
Consumer, Consumer Society, Addiction product, Statute of limitations.Abstract
This study, after inventorying each strand dogmatic they propose - in Brazil - to discourse about what should be the deadline for correction of the defect of the product or service and see that apparently they all despise the existence of supposedly more interesting alternative would promote - by having a ballast epistemology of critical bias and is aligned to the current post-positivist understanding of the legal phenomenon - the investigation of what would be the correct term for such defects are remedied in the system consumerist.Downloads
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How to Cite
Catalan, M. (2013). Abrindo fissuras nas paredes da matrix: a revisitação da compreensão doutrinária do prazo visando à correção dos vícios do produto no sistema consumerista. Scientia Iuris, 17(1), 129–142. https://doi.org/10.5433/2178-8189.2013v17n1p129