Information literacy in academic writing to avoid plagiarism
a study in students of higher education at brazilian universities
Plagiarism, Information literacy, Higher education, Academic writingAbstract
Objective: The study aimed to verify the perception and knowledge of students in the first and fifth semesters of two undergraduate courses at the Federal University of São Carlos regarding academic plagiarism.
Methodology: Data collection was carried out through an online questionnaire, applied to a total of 178 students. A total of 99 respondents returned completed questionnaires.
Results: According to the results, most participants said they had heard about plagiarism before entering university. They demonstrated understanding of what plagiarism is and claim, for the most part, that they quote sources when developing their academic work. No difference was identified between the responses of students in the first and fifth periods in relation to plagiarism, indicating that the course disciplines contributed little to add knowledge on the subject.
Conclusions: It is concluded that the librarian's role in information literacy initiatives needs to encompass aspects of academic writing, given that the activities of search and use of information, in the university context, are always embedded in the context of the production of academic texts.
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