The science reward system and the altmetricsrelationships between online attention indicators and scientific communication and dissemination practices of communication researchers in Brazil
relationships between online attention indicators and scientific communication and dissemination practices of communication researchers in Brazil
Science reward system, Attention online, Altmetrics, Scientific disseminationAbstract
Objective: To analyze the relationships between peer recognition and online attention of researchers in the field of communication in Brazil based on their profiles and their productions distributed on the social web. In addition, it is intended to engender critical reflections and debates about new indicators and qualitative measurement methods to evaluate the production and contributions of researchers in specific areas of knowledge.
Methodology: Based on the list of professors in the area of communication (total of 920), 758 active profiles were identified on Google Scholar, from which the profiles of the 10 researchers with the highest h-index were extracted and analyzed, relating indicators of online presence and online attention.
Results: From the list of 920 professors in Communication Sciences in Brazil, it was possible to locate 785 active profiles on the Google Scholar Citations platform (Google Scholar profiles). Afterwards, it was possible to establish a ranking with the 10 researchers with the highest h-index values, according to data from the aforementioned platform. Only 10 researchers had an active profile on all platforms. The average h-index among the 10 researchers, according to data from Google Scholar Citations is 56. As for the altmetric score, only 3 authors presented relevant indicators.
Conclusions: It was concluded that the dissemination of works in the media and social networks does not necessarily provide a significant increase in the visibility and recognition of peers considering the traditional evaluation method as the number of citations that the researcher receives, but on the other hand the online presence of researchers has the potential to insert scientific production into the online debate and increase visibility outside the scientific community.
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