User experience in learning management environments: use case analysis with moodle and google classroom tools abstract
User Experience, Human-computer interaction, Learning Management Environment, Virtual learning environmentAbstract
Objective: Evaluate User Experience, from the perspective of Information Science, in order to identify the understanding of users' perceptions regarding experiences related to User Experience and usability, through their interactions in the use of Moodle and ClassRoom.
Methodology: This is a descriptive, exploratory research with a quantitative/qualitative approach and theoretical basis that considered Information Science, Computer Science and Education and carried out searches in the BRAPCI, Scielo and Google Scholar databases. Finished with the analysis of the environments, according to the facets of the User Experience, through the UEQ (User Experience Questionare) method.
Results: The students presented better experiences of use and attractiveness in the ClassRoom and the teachers considered the positive user experiences in Moodle, with emphasis on reliability.
Conclusions: Although the results are different, it was possible to identify that both environments present UX evaluations that denote pragmatic and hedonic qualities and suggest that the organization of content, materials, tasks and configurations adopted be analyzed to verify the possibility of improvements in the considered environments.
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