Information, its studies and informational practices: assertive crossings of mediation and its dimensions as the foundation of information science




Information – studies and concept, Information Science, Mediation of the information, Dimensions of mediation of the information


Objective: Analytical approach to information, its studies and informational practices, seeking to situate the mediation of the information and its dimensions in the epistemological contours of the scientific field of Information Science.
Methodology: Bibliographical study with the adoption of the systematic literature review (RSL).
Results: As philosophers and researchers from other fields who have reflected and reflected on the relationships between thought, language and representation in the process of knowledge construction and sharing, Information Science researchers have done the same when dealing with production, organization, circulation, dissemination, retrieval, access, use and appropriation of information, evidencing that these processes are characterized as layers of the phenomenon, which drive interdisciplinary dialogue. On the other hand, the mediation of the information acts as an attracting element of these constitutive layers of information as a social phenomenon.
Conclusions: The historical and epistemological outline of studies and informational practices, on the one hand, reveal the complexity of the information phenomenon that motivates interdisciplinary dialogue with other domains of knowledge, and on the other hand, offer evidence that allows the proposition that the mediation of the information, with its dimensions, can be considered a foundation of Information Science.

Author Biography

Henriette Ferreira Gomes, Universidade Federal da Bahia - UFBA

Doctor and Master in Education. Bachelor's Degree in Library Science and Documentation from Fundação Escola de Sociologia e Política de São Paulo


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How to Cite

Gomes, H. F. (2021). Information, its studies and informational practices: assertive crossings of mediation and its dimensions as the foundation of information science. Informação & Informação, 26(4), 109–145.



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