The social protagonism of human rights defenders in the complex humanitarian emergency in Venezuela: an analysis of the documents of the Centro para los Defensores y la Justicia
Information mediation, Social protagonism, DocumentAbstract
Objective: The object of analysis of this research focuses on documents from Centro para los Defensores y la Justicia (CDJ), a non-governmental organization that was created in Venezuela, in 2018, aiming to promote and protect human rights and democratic institutions in that Country. From this perspective, this research aimed to analyze documents that register aspects of memory and protagonism of human rights defenders who are part of the CDJ in Venezuela, in the light of theoretical assumptions of information mediation.
Methodology: About the methodological aspects, the study is characterized as descriptive, in which the documental method was adopted, which supported the survey and analysis of significant information materialized in documents belonging to the CDJ.
Results: The results show that the members of the CDJ promote the construction of spaces for interaction between subjects that enhance the sharing of information and provoke questions, ideas and movements around taking action and confronting the social moment experienced.
Conclusions: It is verified that the documents presented can be understood as representative of the memory and identity of the defenders of the CDJ that reveal the pursuit for the rights of the Venezuelan people. The agents demonstrate a leading behavior when facing the adversities of Venezuela's complex humanitarian emergency and by promoting collective action and access to information.
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