Social change with storytelling: analysis of a business campaing




Storytelling, Environmental education, Actor-network theory, Discourse analysis


Objective: describe and analyze the application of the Storytelling tool when used by an organization to promote non-formal Environmental Education, instigating social change.
the observation technique was used, which allowed, through the collected data, the elaboration of the Discourse Analysis of the eight videos of the campaign. The Actor-Network Theory was used to map the existing human and non-human actors and reveal their connections.
Results: it is clear that the organization's intention is to promote environmental education in a non-formal way and to share among the population of Paranaguá actions and new habits that can be adopted for the preservation of the environment and the maintenance of a clean city. To achieve this proposal, the company used the Storytelling tool to share this knowledge and promote it among its audience.
Conclusions: Although some materials analyzed present the knowledge implicitly, it is still possible to identify that there is interest and the stimulus for the development of good environmental practices.


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Author Biographies

Geovana Ezequieli de França, Instituto Federal do Paraná - IFPR

Master in Science Technology and Society from the Instituto Federal do Paraná - IFPR

Valério Brusamolin, Instituto Federal do Paraná - IFPR

PhD in Information Sciences from the Universidade de Brasília - UnB


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How to Cite

França, G. E. de, & Brusamolin, V. (2021). Social change with storytelling: analysis of a business campaing. Informação & Informação, 26(3), 377–400.


