Intellectual collaboration networks: an analysis in training and scientific production of permanent teachers in the postgraduate program in information science
Information science, Intellectual collaboration, Scientific production, Collaboration networkAbstract
Objective: Analyzes the networks of intellectual collaboration in the training, qualification and scientific production of permanent teachers of the Post-Graduate Program in Information Science at the Federal University of Paraíba.Methodology: This is a descriptive research that has as object of study the training, qualification and scientific production of 20 permanent teachers, from 2019 to 2019. It is also characterized as documentary research with qualitative and quantitative approaches. Data were collected on the Lattes Platform, systematized in graphs and graphs, and analyzed and discussed on the basis of theoretical frameworks and Social Network Analysis.
Results: The training and qualification of teachers point to different disciplinary convergences. The former is characterized by disciplinary plurality, with greater participation in the areas of Librarianship and Sociology; Although it includes scientific articles, communications at events, book chapters, books and abstracts, totaling 1,100 publications, the bibliographic production network focuses on the first two categories, respectively, with 450 and 320 productions.
Conclusions: The networks of intellectual collaboration established in the processes of training, qualification and scientific production of the permanent professors of this postgraduate program are materialized in an infrastructure of knowledge production permeated by an epistemological pluralism, which conditions different movements of disciplinary convergences.
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